The activation of long-term unemployed and otherwise disadvantaged groups is one of the most important challenges for social cohesion in Europe. These groups are confronted with complex problems (e.g. low income, low qualifications, health problems etc.), which require multiple employment and social services tailored to individual needs, particularly at the local level. The institutional, organizational and individual dimensions of these social cohesion policies deserve particular attention.

The focus of LOCALISE is to analyse in detail the organisational integration of social and employment policies at the local level and its regional, national and European context as well as its impact on the beneficiaries. Crucial questions are: How do different institutional contexts influence local worlds of social cohesion? How do local actors deal with the conflicts and dilemmas caused by integrated social cohesion policies? What impact do these policies have on social inequality and the conception of social citizenship?

LOCALISE brings together researchers and stakeholders from six European countries and has a comparative dimension. The project in financed by the 7th EU Framework Programme and is coordinated by Martin Heidenreich (CETRO, Universität Oldenburg). Other partners are Score (Stockholm University), ENU (Edinburgh), PAM (Milan), and CEO (Bordeaux). The Swedish project is led by Christina Garsten in collaboration with Kerstin Jacobsson (Södertörn University College) and is placed at Score. Also engaged in this programme are Mattias Bengtsson and Katarina Hollertz.

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