Ingrid Gustafsson


Ingrid Gustafsson holds a Phd in Public Administration from the University of Gothenburg. In her doctoral thesis (2016), she investigated the proliferating use of international standards and the various control forms connected to standards, such as certification and accreditation. She analyzed this system as a global control regime and discussed its implications, especially in terms of responsibility distribution on a global level. This is also the subject of her book from 2020, “How standards rule the world. The construction of a global control regime” (Edward Elgar).

Theoretically, Gustafsson is interested in understanding organization outside and among organizations. Together with Nils Brunsson and Kristina Tamm Hallström (both at Score) she has published several texts on the subject, discussing the phenomenon of “macro-organization” – a system of organizations organizing each other, creating complex structures often on a global level.

Gustafsson has been affiliated to Södertörns Högskola (2017-2019), University of Gothenburg (2010-2016), University of California at Berkeley (2013) and she did her post doc at Stanford University (2019-2021). She is currently affiliated to Score (Stockholm Center for Organizational Research) and teaches at the Department of Political Science (graduate level).