Mikaela Sundberg Photo: Juliana Wiklund

E-mail: mikaela.sundberg@score.su.se

What do interpersonal relations in voluntary total institutions or arenas with strong collective solidarity look like? And how do structural conditions affect them? Mikaela Sundberg’s current research deals with these questions. More specifically, one of the core concerns is to theorize on fraternal relations and potential tensions with more personal relationships. To explore these issues, Mikaela has studied different forms of voluntary total institutions, such as the French Foreign Legion and Catholic monasteries.

As a director of research at Score, Mikaela aims to promote dialogue, collaboration, and theoretical and empirical developments connected to the notion of partial organization and also to work for a fruitful dialogue with science and technology studies.

Mikaela Sundberg is also Professor in sociology at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University.

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